Enhancing Medicaid

CHA Analysis of Medicaid Capped Funding Demonstration Waivers

CHA is providing for members an analysis of the recent guidance issued by the Administration inviting states to pursue capped funding demonstrations for the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion population as well as adults who are under 65, not eligible based on disability and are covered at state option. For more information about the guidance, see this presentation from Cindy Mann of Manatt Health.

Medicaid and a Strong Safety Net

Public health insurance programs such as Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are the foundation of our nation's safety net and provide necessary health care services to working families, children, the elderly and the disabled, many of whom would be uninsured in the absence of a strong and vital Medicaid program. Medicaid provides health coverage for more than 70 million individuals and is also a major source of financing for long-term care and a primary funding source for America's safety net institutions, including many Catholic hospitals and nursing homes that serve a disproportionate share of the low-income, uninsured and underinsured in their communities every day.

Preserving and strengthening programs like Medicaid is just one facet of the Catholic health ministry's mission and an important step in working toward a future of accessible and affordable health care for all. For more information, see the related documents under Medicaid Communications and the policy brief Enhancing Medicaid and Ensuring a Strong Safety Net.

118th Congress

117th Congress

116th Congress

109th Congress

09/13/06 Joint Letter in Support of the Medicaid Community-Based Attendant Services and Supports Act of 2005 (MiCASSA)
08/11/06 CHA Comments on Medicaid Citizenship Documentation
07/20/06 CHA Letter Supporting Durbin Amendment
06/28/06 Letter to HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt on Medicaid Citizenship Certification
05/01/06 Letter to HHS Secretary Leavitt re - Satisfactory Documentary Evidence
05/01/06 CHA Policy Positions for Modernizing Medicaid
03/06/06 Joint Letter to Sen. Judd Greg and Rep. Jim Nussle Opposing Cuts to Medicaid
12/23/05 S. 1932, Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
12/20/05 Opposing Deficit Reduction Conference Report
11/09/05 Comparison of House and Senate 2006 Budget Reconciliation Health Provisions
11/03/05 Urging Rejection of House Reconciliation Bill
11/02/05 Support of Qualified Integrated Health Care Centers
11/02/05 Letter re - Budget Reconciliation
10/26/05 Joint Letter Urging Preservation of Medicaid Services
10/20/05 CHA Policy Positions for Medicaid Reform
09/14/05 Joint Letter in Support of Emergency Health Care Relief
09/12/05 Joint Letter Thanking Senators for Urging Postponement of Program Cuts
07/27/05 Joint Letter to Senate and House Commitees Requesting No Medicaid Changes
07/12/05 CHA Letter Supporting ICHIA
06/28/05 Testimony - The Truth about Medicaid
04/27/05 Summary of Medicaid and Long-Term Care Hearing
04/20/05 Support of Medicaid and the Bipartisan Medicaid Commission
04/13/05 A Letter to Rep. Jim Nussle (R-IA) re - Bipartisan Medicaid Commission
03/14/05 Smith-Bingaman Amendment
02/08/05 Bipartisan Commission on Medicaid Act