
Mission leaders are uniquely positioned to hear the voices of those in vulnerable populations and then passionately advocate on their behalf. They engage community and system leaders in dialogue to ensure strategy, decisions, policies and budgets demonstrate a tangible commitment to justice, solidarity and right relationship. They also are intricately involved in setting advocacy priorities and collaborating with stakeholders to meet the demonstrated needs of the community. This advocacy encompasses the needs of patients, residents, families and associates, as well as the wider community. Mission leaders encourage all associates and community leaders to follow the Gospel values demonstrated in the example of Jesus Christ, with a preferential option for those who are marginalized and affected by poverty, and a special focus on ending systemic racism and injustice that lead to health disparities and inequities.

Competency in Action

Self-Assessment Tool

No mission leader is expected to have fully developed every competency to the highest level. The 2020 Model includes an electronic self-assessment tool that provides some coaching prompts that provide recommended actions a mission leader can take to advance from Tier I to Tier II to Tier III.
» Access the electronic self-assessment (login required)
A. Relates with and respects vulnerable populations, including associates

TIER I: Listens to and dialogues with patients/residents and associates who are vulnerable

TIER II: Models regular rounding with patients/residents and associates with special attention to vulnerable populations and systematically addresses needs that are surfaced

TIER III: Advocates and designs opportunities for executives to directly dialogue with and learn from vulnerable populations
B. Establishes relationships with social service agencies serving individuals on the margins

TIER I: Meets with leaders of social service agencies with whom the organization partners

TIER II: Facilitates due diligence and discernment processes on partnerships aimed at advancing the common good

TIER III: Expands and promotes best practices throughout the organization
C. Influences and encourages the organization to respond to the needs of people who have limited resources

TIER I: Represents the needs of patients/residents and associates, and participates in discussions and decisions on how to address those needs

TIER II: Analyzes policies, procedures, budgets and community benefit plans to ensure a preferential option for the poor

TIER III: Ensures practices, policies and resources demonstrate organizational commitment to caring for associates and others who are poor and vulnerable
D. Advocates for public policies that enhance the common good

TIER I: Understands the advocacy priorities of the organization and assists in educating colleagues and community partners

TIER II: Meets with elected officials and administrators of public health and social service agencies to advance advocacy priorities

TIER III: Collaborates in setting the organization’s advocacy priorities and connects unmet needs to Catholic social teaching and action
E. Advocates for the community health needs assessment, community improvement plan and reporting

TIER I: Collaborates with other leaders in the community health needs assessment, community benefit planning and community benefit reporting processes

TIER II: Ensures the community health plan is incorporated into the strategic planning and yearly operational budget decisions

TIER III: Assures, with others, that resources spent on community health programming demonstrate improved health outcomes for individuals and communities being served

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