CHA Statement on Final Public Charge Rule

For Immediate Release 
Aug. 12, 2019 
Contact: Brian Reardon 

CHA Statement on Final Public Charge Rule
Statement by Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, President and Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Health Association of the United States

CHA is extremely disappointed that the Administration has finalized a "public charge" rule that will punish legal immigrants for receiving Medicaid and other vital assistance when they seek to change their status. As CHA stated when the rule was first proposed, and as our own studies have shown, the rule will have a devastating impact on legal immigrants and their families as well as those providing care to them.

We believe final implementation of this rule will lead to millions of immigrants legally present in the U.S. losing their health coverage or choosing not to enroll. The ranks of the uninsured will grow, hospitals will face rising costs for uncompensated care and public health will be adversely affected. These consequences directly contradict our government’s interest in protecting the health and well-being of the nation as well as the Catholic health ministry’s Gospel mandate and mission to care for the most vulnerable.

CHA will continue to explore every avenue available to oppose this harmful rule and prevent its implementation and disruptive effects on our health care system.

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