Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) joins the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Community Corps to help build vaccine confidence and uptake

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                     
April 1, 2021

Contact: Brian Reardon

Statement by Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, President and Chief Executive Officer
Catholic Health Association of the United States

WASHINGTON, DC – "The Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) has joined the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Community Corps to encourage vaccine confidence and uptake in communities across the country.

"To build trust and ensure equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines, partnerships such as this are critical for meeting local needs, building vaccine awareness and protecting our country’s most vulnerable individuals, families and communities. All of us who serve in the Catholic health care ministry are committed to ongoing efforts to share accurate vaccine information and enhance vaccine acceptance, with particular attention to reaching out to those who are most in need."

Additional resources from CHA:

CHA is promoting the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines through our "#LoveThyNeighbor" social media campaign, publications, webinars, media interviews and podcasts. The simplicity of the "love thy neighbor" message has resonated with our members and partners, particularly in the faith community, as it expresses our solidarity with one another as we work together to end the pandemic. Through various social media assets we are able to share succinct facts about the vaccine, as well as messages about the importance of wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.

Under CHA's leadership, the U.S. Catholic health ministry is also using its collective voice to promote COVID-19 health equity. Twenty-three of the nation's largest Catholic health care systems have signed the Confronting Racism by Achieving Health Equity pledge. Collectively, these organizations employ nearly a half million people across 46 states and the District of Columbia and care for almost 4 million patients annually. Through this initiative we are highlighting our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, while also providing resources for our members and partners to learn more about how health equity impacts communities. The pledge affirms the Catholic health ministry’s commitment to immediate action to achieve COVID-19 health equity by prioritizing proven and effective vaccinations for those individuals and families at higher risk — elder populations and communities of color, including Native American communities. CHA President and CEO Sr. Mary Haddad recently provided an overview of these efforts in a Morning Consult op-ed entitled Health Equity Is an Action. We All Play a Role.

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The Catholic Health Association of the United States is the national leadership organization of the Catholic health ministry, representing the largest nonprofit provider of health care services in the nation.

  • 1 in 7 patients in the U.S. is cared for in a Catholic hospital each day.
  • Catholic health care, which includes more than 2,200 hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facilities, systems, sponsors, and related organizations, serves the full continuum of health care across our nation.


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