
Celebrating a Life of Prayer, Study, and Constant Striving to Be Open to the Spirit of Truth.

Frs. O'Rourke and Ashley Have Called for a "Re-Personalization" of Health Care.

What Is Health Care Ethics's Connection to an Understanding of the Catholic Church?

Fr. O'Rourke Helped Retrieve a Vital Ethical Method in Catholic Theology.

His Contributions Are Both Foundational and Practical.

Fr. O'Rourke Has Made Wide-Ranging Contributions to Thinking on the Topic.

A Younger Ethicist Reflects on Fr. O'Rourke's Contribution to Catholic Health Care Ethics.

Physicians, Nurses, and Others Also Have Important Contributions to Make.

Ethics Has a Vital Role in Fostering Collaboration in Health Care.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.