(N.B. — Much of the information that follows was taken from http://bioethics.od.nih.gov/)
Professional Bioethics Organizations
- American Society for Bioethics and Humanities — The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities promotes the exchange of ideas and fosters multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and inter-professional scholarship, research, teaching, policy development, professional development, and collegiality among people engaged in clinical and academic bioethics and the medical humanities. The website contains resource links, meeting information, publications, and position papers. The site also provides job listings in the field of Health Care Ethics.
- American Society for Law, Medicine, and Ethics — The mission of the American Society for Law, Medicine, and Ethics is to provide high-quality scholarship, debate, and critical thought for professionals at the intersection of law, medicine, and ethics. Our members come together to examine big health questions with far-reaching social ramifications like genetic testing and research, medical record privacy, end-of-life decisions, and the dynamics of informed consent. They publish two quarterly journals with online access: The Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics and The American Journal of Law and Medicine.
- Association for Politics and the Life Sciences — "The Association for Politics and the Life Sciences (APLS) is an international and interdisciplinary association of scholars, scientists, and policymakers concerned with problems or issues that involve politics or public policy and one or more of the life sciences. The association, founded in 1980, publishes a journal, Politics and the Life Sciences; a newsletter, APLS News; and a membership directory, The APLS Directory. The association's annual conference is held in late August or early September, concurrently with — but independently of — the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association."
- Canadian Bioethics Society — The Canadian Bioethics society is a forum for professionals interested in sharing ideas relating to bioethics and in finding solutions to bioethical problems. The Society promotes the teaching of bioethics at all levels of post-secondary and continuing education. The Society also aims to promote research and publication in bioethics and to encourage the dissemination of information on bioethics to professionals in various fields as well as to the general public. The website provides related links, a newsletter, meeting information, and a listing of Canadian jobs available in bioethics.
- Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) — The purpose of CTSA, within the context of the Roman Catholic tradition, shall be to promote studies and research in theology, to relate theological science to current problems, and to foster a more effective theological education, by providing a forum for an exchange of views among theologians and with scholars in other disciplines. The website offers a variety of resources from membership to online forums and links of interest within the group.
- Society of Christian Ethics (SCE) — The purpose of the society is to promote work in Christian ethics and in the relation of Christian ethics to other traditions of ethics, and to social, economic, political, and cultural problems; to encourage and improve the teaching of these fields in colleges, universities, and theological schools; and to provide a community of discourse and debate for those engaged professionally within these general fields. The website offers a variety of resources like publications, meeting and group information, and access to the Society of Christian Ethics Journal.