
Using a common-good or community-based ethic as a framework for medical treatment decision making may provide appropriate balance to the emphasis on patient desires.

To survive in a reformed healthcare system, long-term care facilities can initiate hospital-based skilled nursing facilities.

The final excerpt of a Catholic Health Association document on the euthanasia debate, this article discusses the theological, moral, and pastoral care needed by patients, their families, and their care givers.

A three-year training program for new graduates in health administration gives them time to develop their managerial style and explore career paths.

Nurses can shape their profession by getting involved in healthcare reform.

Training staff to confront problems and communicate openly can improve the work climate.

In an increasingly secular culture, nursing schools must make explicit the values on which their practices are based.

Collaborative care (case) management makes nurses partners in the care-planning process.

At Sacred Heart Health System, Eugene, OR, participants work together to improve access to care and to design cost-saving incentives.

"Clinical Context"–the third in a series of excerpts of a Catholic Health Association document on euthanasia–explores how good palliative care eases the dying process.

The Safe Medical Devices Act's reporting and tracking requirements raise concerns about record keeping, the act's scope, and potential liability.

As healthcare delivery changes, pastoral care departments must adopt alternative approaches to staffing.

Long-term care providers can plan for and document community services with the help of a book from the Catholic Health Association and the American Association of Homes for the Aging.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.