
CEOs see an urgent need for more adequate funding and better communications among Catholic organizations.

Care managers integrate and coordinate services, providing a linkage between the client and providers of acute, long-term, home-based, and community-based care.

The Sisters of Charity Health Care Systems, Cincinnati, have two models of care management: one with extensive community outreach and one for inpatient care.

A look at two HMOs and one social HMO shows how they target their services to meet the needs of the elderly.

Catholics can cultivate hope by emphasizing the human dimension in culture and politics.

Healthcare providers, the Church, and government must do their part to improve access to care.

Rural healthcare providers and communities can use innovative strategies to increase access to care.

The Medical Assistance Facility Demonstration Project maintains acute care access in rural Montana.

Saint Vincent Hospital and Health Center, Billings, MT, uses physician assistants to improve service delivery in a rural area.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.