
CEOs' optimism about their hospitals' future is related to the number of strategic changes implemented, according to a Catholic Health Association/University of Iowa study.

A Catholic Health Association study uncovers features that separate successful from unsuccessful hospitals.

A study identifies effective strategies for retaining nurses in rural hospitals.

Employers must act now to comply with OSHA's standard on bloodborne pathogens.

During these tough economic times, healthcare providers must look for sources of hope.

Laughter provides emotional and physiological benefits to patients and care givers alike.

Like prophecy, advocacy demands a commitment to new ways of doing things.

Involvement at the local level drives the health policy efforts of Catholic Health Corporation, Omaha.

To uphold their social justice tradition, Catholic healthcare providers must become public policy advocates.

The staff at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital works with legislators to promote children's health issues.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.