Community Benefit Resources

Assessing and Planning for Community Benefit

Assessing community health needs and developing plans to address selected needs are essential to effective community benefit programs. This concept was reinforced by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), enacted March 23, 2010, which contains requirements for tax-exempt hospitals to conduct community health needs assessments (CHNAs) and to adopt implementation strategies (ISs) to meet the health needs identified through the assessments.

Assessment — Data Sources

Assessment — Indicators

Assessment — Collecting Community Input

Assessment — Priority-Setting

Assessment — Communication/Reporting

Community Benefit Plan/Implementation Strategy

Program Planning

Community Relationships/Partnerships


Assessing and Addressing Community Health Needs – Developed to help not-for-profit health care organizations strengthen their assessment and community benefit planning processes. Offers practical advice on how hospitals can work with community and public health partners to assess community health needs and develop effective strategies for improving health in our communities.

Order in the store (free for CHA members)

Assessing and Addressing Community Health Needs Summary image A Summary Of New Requirements and Recommended Practices – A concise overview of federal requirements for tax-exempt hospitals to conduct community health needs assessments and adopt implementation strategies to address identified needs. This resource aligns with IRS final rules.

Planning for Community Health Improvement

Community Health Needs Assessment