
Wholeness is vital to leadership, a Canadian health care CEO says in an interview.

We can now put the results of CHA's "Living Our Promises, Acting On Faith" initiative into action.

Without reform, Catholic health care cannont practice biblical values.

Hospitals need to rethink the way they handle contracts, pricing, and collections.

The series' final article offers a framework for launching or accelerating the revenue enhancement process.

Partnerships between Catholic Health Care Organizations, Catholic Charities, and Other Groups

Welcoming employees from different cultures is both good business and "good mission."

The church's social teaching continues to provide guidance for workplace problems.

A dissolving St. Louis system tried to put its employees first.

Some Catholic executives have drawn up a list of principles concerning compensation.

Ascension Health bases its human resources policies on church social teaching.

A Canadian organization has launched a program intended to strengthen its "institutional integrity."

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.