
In participating in the healing and support of frail people, local Church parishes are embarking on an adventure.

In Pennsylvania, a healthcare provider and a social service agency form a support network for older people.

The program's comprehensive healthcare and social services enable the frail elderly to live autonomous lives.

With the aid of these new partnerships, mission-driven providers can thrive in the managed care marketplace.

The appointment of women religious as vice presidents for sponsorship has helped Bon Secours Health System, Inc., clarify its aims.

Understanding canonical acts can reduce the problems healthcare organizations often encounter when carrying out a transaction.

Instead of merely listing dos and don'ts, Catholic healthcare organizations can develop the ethical cultures that nip compliance problems in the bud.

Special skills in end-of-life care distinguish Catholic healthcare and counter the demand for physician-assisted suicide

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.