
Pastoral care professionals fulfill a variety of roles as they minister to older persons and seek to strengthen pastoral care in a diverse healthcare system.

Formerly separate pastoral care departments within a Cincinnati system created a unified spiritual care network.

After the merger that formed Catholic Health Initiatives, a task force found creative ways to redesign the ministry and provide spiritual care to everyone in the continuum of care.

Spiritual wellness changes the traditional focus of pastoral care in long-term care centers by attending to residents' core identities.

A director of pastoral care and mission traces the successful development and integration of a formal pastoral care department.

In a Maryland hospice care program, pastoral care professionals are an integral part of the staff, and teamwork addresses both physical and spiritual needs.

Parish nursing provides a holistic approach to health and wellness, as parish nurses offer healthcare with a spiritual dimension.

Sr. Stephen Brueggeman, PHJC, recipient of CHA's 1997 Concilia Moran Award, looks back over a career that has had its difficult moments, but never a dull one.

Electronic networks that exchange patient information have given rise to concerns about protecting privacy.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.