
It is through conversation about our values that we become a discerning, effective, healing community.

To survive, the Catholic health ministry must examine its activities through the lens of MISSION.

The concept of the common good provides the rationale for a healthcare system that serves all people.

As the Church acts to modify civil society, so Catholic healthcare must act to modify U.S. healthcare.

In a Minnesota system, a Catholic hospital's sense of mission inspires its Lutheran and Baptist partners.

To genuinely improve U.S. healthcare, leaders must consider seven moral values familiar to all Americans.

This popular management tool will not work unless it is wielded by leaders who truly understand it.

Because the issues involved are moral and religious as well as medical and legal, the Church has a rightful place in the debate.

In Youngstown, OH, and Buffalo, NY, Catholic healthcare providers and Catholic Charities are collaborating on projects to serve the community.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.