
"Culture change" helps two long-term care centers in New York align practice with their sponsor's values.

Rural America, its economy, and its health care needs have all changed dramatically in the century since the sisters came to build their hospitals.

Networking and telemedicine will be indispensable tools for rural health care.

Rural communities also have advantages, such as a willingness to work together and an openness to innovation.

The members of a small Kentucky community have pooled their talents to solve the access problem.

A coalition of hospitals and a college is using teleconference classes to train nurses and other health care workers.

On the northern Great Plains, health care frequently includes community development and economic development.

The staff of a small rural hospital that has many Medicare-age patients finds the U.S. Marines' motto to be extremely relevant.

Search committees seeking doctors should consider strategies tailored specifically to today's labor market.

A study conducted by Catholic Health Initiatives sheds light on pastoral care competencies and productivity.

The creators of a successful program for priests in the Milwaukee Archdicocese plan to expand it to include others as well.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.