
An Indiana program encourages teenagers to abstain from sex until they are married.

Guided by Jesus' Parable of the Talents, a Topeka hospital works to continue the Catholic health ministry in northeast Kansas.

The fifth in a series of six genetics case studies.

An event sponsored by a facility in Oregon encourages brainstorming on the part of staff members.

The author sees two reasons why, in a secular age, Catholic universities should continue to sponsor medical facilities.

Three physicians describe the experience of developing such a policy for a Catholic hospital in Honolulu.

A more preventive approach would include improved communication with patients and their families.

A Wisconsin hospital and its nurses have discovered the power of partnership.

Physicians and dentists have pooled their skills to provide care for the area's working poor.

Catholic health care systems are using stock holdings to push for corporate accountability.

The process renders decision making more participatory and transparent and produces better decisions, too.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.