
This a good time for the ministry to ask itself some critical questions about its relationship to the natural environment.

Catholic organizations are reducing — and, in some cases, eliminating — their use of mercury and PVC plastics.

The church has long recognized that genuine health care requires protection of the environment.

Hospitals for a Healthy Environment is a national program that helps facilities improve their disposal of medical waste.

Nurses are natural advocates for the patient--whether the patient happens to be an individual or an entire community.

A Catholic system in California has made environmental protection part of its mission.

To be effective, ecology programs need the support and involvement of both management and staff.

Since the bishops' 1991 pastoral letter, U.S. Catholics have become a force for environmental protection.

There are practical steps that Catholic health care facilities can take to emphasize their religious roots.

The sixth in a series of genetics case studies.

The fifth article in the "Portraits in Collaboration" series.

According to an Institute of Medicine report, racism that is sometimes overt but more often subtle continues to plague U.S. health care.

California courts uphold a Catholic health care organization's claim to special latitude in choosing its employees.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.