
How can we address the violence that now pervades all levels of American life?

A Canadian hospital's educational program changes staff's values and beliefs related to woman assault.

A Spokane, WA, medical center's comprehensive program against domestic violence addresses public education, professional education, and care of victims.

A St. Louis hospital works with schoolchildren and trauma patients to prevent violence.

Staged "trauma care" shows Toledo, OH, teenagers some harsh realities.

Two Minnesota hospitals join a community-wide effort to stop the battering of women.

In the face of relentless economic pressures, Catholic healthcare providers must translate their assets into action.

Catholic healthcare organizations are integrating health and well-being initiatives into the care continuum, according to a CHA survey.

A coalition of Catholic healthcare organizations points to the causes and consequences of inadequate care of the dying.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.