Thank you for joining us at CHA's Sponsorship Institute, Feb. 5-7, 2019, at the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town in Albuquerque. It was a pleasure seeing you. We hope you found the conference productive and enjoyable.
For your convenience, here are presentations from the conference:
- Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, and Fr. Charles Bouchard, OP, "Mergers, Acquisitions and the Common Good, Setting the Context"
- Saumya Sutaria, MD, "Transforming Catholic Health Care Through Strategic Clarity"
- Gina Wolfe, Ph.D., "Can Mergers Serve the Common Good"
- Sr. Mary Noel Brown, CSA and Laura Kaiser, FACHE, "Integration in a Post-Merger Environment"
- Ernie Sadau, "Finding the Right Partner: Sponsorship Accelerates an International Strategy and Growth"
- Sr. Carol Keehan, DC, "The Changing Landscape of Catholic Health Care"
- Brian Smith, "Project Legacy: An Update on Succession Planning"